MX Photography & Off Camera Flash Training – 24th July & 28th August 2019….. Book Early, Limited Spaces….
Well it is now our sixth year of offering training days & here’s your chance to learn how to shoot one of the most exciting motorsports close up… MX & how to use Off Camera Flash to make your shots of MX & any other sport stand out above your competitors…
The day is for both amatuer & professional photographers. The day will be spent at one of the UK’s premier tracks, Washbrook Farm MX, near Chatteris, Cambs. The training courses are designed to cover all aspects of shooting MX & the use of Off Camera Flash, both techniques which can be used for any sport.
My love for OCF started about 8 years, ago when I saw some images shot by a surfing photographer.. I wondered whether this could be adapted for MX, since then we have been working on our system, producing some stunning images along the way. The day will cover how to use lighting to make your images even more stunning, for event photographers, this will be a handy tool to make you stand out & produce more profits. As I have said, this style of shooting works for all, simple example is the image at the begining of the blog… simple rider & bike shot, but something a little special with the lighting, covering a football tournament? stick a kid 45 degrees to a goal, one foot on ball, ask him to give some attitude, take shot, no parent will walk away without that image.. Mountain biking, canoeing, rugby, anything… it all works.
If you wish to see the type of work we will be covering in the training day, please watch the video below..
Now MX… what a sport, fast, exciting, muddy, dramatic… but great fun. this is a great sport to shoot. The day will give you a chance to work on track, feet from the riders. We will cover the safety side of shooting MX, where your safe & the definate no no’s of safety. I be showing you how to get 10 shots out of every corner or jumps, leaving you more quality images to sell to your customers. All shot using the OCF system
Later in the day we will have a little time on how to cover an event in a productive & effeceint system, showing all aspects of how to make money from your hobby, saves you making all the mistakes I did to start with.
24th July 2019 & 28th August 2019
The day will consist of:
Kick of at 9.00am with a hot cuppa & a bacon roll… have a chat about the equipment we’ll be using, settings & what we are going to aim for … Then a very long, but very important safety talk.
We’ll start the day by grabbing some youth & his bike & showing how quick & easy it is to setup the lighting & capture some stunning portraits
Then out on track before the riders start, to talk more safety and start on the work of setting up your shots.
A few hours of shooting and explaining the light set ups…
Lunch and discuss
Another session working on lighting and ultra wide, then a bit of time at the end for you to have a bit of freeplay…
The van will be available to view any of your shots and see how we got on… I use Canon, any Canon users wishing to have a play will be able at the end of the day.. If you use Nikon, its not a problem, bring any flash equipment along you have. The whole day & system we use are available for both Canon & Nikon
Review of your shots from the day, group discussion on how you all got on.. finishing about 5…
Please bring cameras, flashes etc, lenses to be fitted with filters
Tea & coffee are provided, we cannot cater, but there is an on site facility, for further information on the track please visit
The day will cost £ 90.00 per person and will be limited to seven, for more info are to place a booking please email or contact me on 07957216682
If you need to discuss any services shown on our website, please feel free to contact myself on
0800 026 2075 or 07957216682